When traveling with A Taste of Paris, food is pretty much always on our minds. You know what they say…”When in France, do as the French do” and food is always on the minds of the French!
When asked, Why France? Jacqui Cooper, a former ATOP traveler, said it best…”To me, the mere mention of Paris evokes thoughts of exquisite food, wine, and pastries;”
See the recipe below for Sweet Red Chili Basil Tomatoes from our Parisian chef; you may be surprised by one of the ingredients that make this stunning morsel an explosion in your mouth.
“the first hint of trendsetter fashions; beautiful countryside and gardens; and a city of lights illuminating some of the world’s magnificent historical architectures.”
“Paris also brings to mind the flea and food markets where ordinary folks shop for the necessities of the day.”
“I chose the ATOP trips because it enabled me to revisit some of Paris’ breathtaking historical sites,”
“such as Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, and the Pantheon;”
“and to enjoy again, the French countryside and wonderful champagne.”
“The tour also gave me the unique opportunity to delve into the food side of Paris.”
“Of course, we went to lovely restaurants and bistros to partake of the Parisian cuisine,”
“but the motivating reason for choosing ATOP was the “hands on” activities. For example, we had an afternoon at the world famous Le Cordon Bleu School, where we actually, under the watchful eye of a French pastry chef, participated in the painstaking detailed process of making macrons.”
“Another day found us meeting the Chef for our market class at the food market in mid-morning to shop for ingredients for the day’s luncheon.”
“We purchased what was needed and returned to the Chef’s school to cook. We again participated in every step of preparing a meal and how to beautifully present it on the plate.”
“These kinds of “hands on” experiences made the ATOP tour truly an unforgettable trip.”
“An ever present reminder of the trip is the personalized chef’s jacket that Lorie gave each of us while in Paris. Thanks Lorie.”
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So Thank you Jacqui for summing up the A Taste of Paris experience so articulately!
You can still travel with ATOP in 2019 CLICK HERE for all the details!
And try Sweet Red Chili Basil Tomatoes with produce ripe from the field today!
Sweet Red Chili Basil Tomatoes
1-2 cups cherry tomatoes
Basil leaves, one for each tomato
1 teaspoon brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon Piment d’espelette (or substitute, 11/2 teaspoon paprika and a healthy dash of cayenne pepper)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make a slit in each tomato about ¼ inch deep. In a bowl, mix sugar and seasonings very well. Add tomatoes and coat well with the sugar mixture. Place tomatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment and using the back of a knife; slide a basil leaf into the slit of each tomato. Place baking sheet into the oven to warm through for 4 minutes.
See you soon!