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Honey Pot Love!

My heart went pitter patter when I laid eyes on this adorable French honey pot. I can’t help but think about Pooh Bear when I look at this, and remember all of the times I read the stories of Pooh and his friends to my children.  I know I am feeling nostalgic as we are in the count down to taking our youngest child off to college and my new honey pot is a little reminder of the sweetest time in my life..

I reach for the honey often in my kitchen.  I use it in freshly made salad dressings as an emulsifier and to take the edge off the tartness.  Drizzled over fresh chevre is a great way to enjoy honey especially with a bottle of bubbles.  Honey is a regular ingredient for marinades or paired with Dijon mustard and brushed on fresh salmon to sweeten up dinner a bit.

I teach children’s cooking classes every summer and below I have added one of the kids favorite recipes calling for honey, no bake Chocolate Cherry Granola Bars.  Make some today and watch how fast the whole grain goodness disappears!

If you adore this little honey pot as much as I do, get one for yourself and someone you love today.  Click HERE the online boutique or visit in person if you are in the Dallas area, La Vingnete Snider Plaza.

Join me in September for French Food Workshop, only a few spaces remain in this extraordinary class where you will be immersed in French Cuisine for 3 days!



Chocolate Cherry Granola Bars

2 cups rolled oats

1 ¼ cup peanut butter

1 cup ground almonds

¾ cup honey

¾ cup dried cherries

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

¼ cup sliced almonds

 Mix all ingredients in a bowl well.  Spread in a 9×13 baking dish and refrigerate for 1 hour before cutting into squares.


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Lorie Fangio | A Taste of Paris

Meet Lorie Fangio

Lorie Fangio is a teaching chef and the founder of A Taste of Paris culinary excursions. She shares her extensive knowledge of French food & culture through cooking classes, regular TV appearances, local publications, and speaking engagements. She is an award-winning food & lifestyle blogger with a zest for gathering people around a table.

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