I will be traveling with my 2019 group to Paris very soon. Before we go, I always send my list of “Paris Essentials” to my travels. As I was checking and refining the list, I started thinking about packing.
When I head to France, I am often gone over 3 weeks at a time. I always get lots of questions about packing so I thought I would share my no-fail steps to make packing a breeze. Whether you are going for a weekend or a month it works!
STEP 1- Make a list of clothing essentials, see mine below, from this list you will plan all of your outfits.
STEP 2- Decide how many days of clothes you will need and lay them out in outfits. To save space, only take bottoms that can be worn more than 1 time.t for a great trip.
STEP 3-Accessorize each outfit with everything you will need including socks, underwear, scarves and inexpensive jewelry. Using a cell phone take a photo of each outfit, this will help you remember how you planned to wear them.
STEP 4- Fold everything into square stacks by outfit. Bottoms on the bottom of the stack, tops on top and dresses folded into thirds. I like to make a separate stack for accessories.
STEP 5- Place shoes in the bottom of your bag. Next, place 4 stacks of clothing into your bag, one in each corner and voila, you are set for a great trip!, scarves and inexpensive jewelry. Using you
My Outfit Essentials are:
3-4 pairs of dark jeans that don’t stretch out
1-2 pairs of black pants
one pair of soft black pants that can be dressed up
1-2 Dressy blouse
1 pair weight heels for a night out
2-3 pairs of comfortable shoes
Blazer to dress up an outfit
Soft shirts and blouses
Light and mid-weight sweaters for layering
Lightweight jacket
Bon Voyage!